
Head of School Search

List of 3 items.

  • May 28, 2024: KRCS Candidate Search Update

    Dear King's Ridge Family,
    We continue to make great progress in our searches for the Interim Head of School and Head of High School. I am grateful for your prayers and support being offered across the KRCS community. Throughout this process, we are seeing God's providence. Thank you!
    Interim Head of School — We expect to announce an Interim Head of School this week. I am excited about who God has led us to and am confident you will find the candidate to be a great match for King's Ridge Christian School.
    Head of High School — This week, we will have a Head of High School finalist on campus and meet with several of our Board members. The candidate's family will also be part of this week's visit. It's an exciting next step as both the Board and the candidate continue the due diligence necessary to ensure a mutual fit.
    Please continue to pray for our searches and each person involved.


    Ben Ackerman
    Chair, Board of Trustees 
    King's Ridge Christian School
  • May 13, 2024: KRCS Candidate Search Update

    Dear King's Ridge Family,
    What an amazing month it has been at King's Ridge Christian School! We celebrated a terrific graduation ceremony for our seniors, hosted the Black & White Gala to honor our incredible fine arts program, and cheered on our varsity baseball team, which finished as regional champions and competed in the Final Four of the state championship. We have so much to be proud of!

    As the school year winds down, our searches for the Interim Head of School and Head of High School are gaining momentum. We've received a tremendous response to our search efforts and have amassed two very talented candidate pools.

    This week, candidates for the Interim Head of School and Head of High School positions will visit our campus. They will meet with a cross-section of parents, faculty, staff, and students, as well as the Board committees working on the two searches. Given our progress so far, we expect to have the final candidates approved and selected in June for both roles.

    Concurrent with the interviews this week, CarterBaldwin, our search consultant, will also be on campus to gather input and build the candidate profile for our permanent Head of School search.

    I'm grateful for the time and effort so many are investing in our search processes. There is no doubt God is in this. Thank you for devoting time each day over these last few weeks to our 31 Days of Prayer. It was wonderful to see our community unified as we committed ourselves to praising the Lord and seeking His guidance for our students, faculty, staff, Board of Trustees, and future school leaders. Please continue to pray for the work being done and that the Lord leads the right administrators to King's Ridge Christian School.
    Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 


    Ben Ackerman
    Chair, Board of Trustees 
    King's Ridge Christian School
  • May 2, 2024: Head of School Search Update

    Dear King's Ridge Family,
    I am writing to update you on the Head of School search and our prayerful work to find the next leader for King's Ridge Christian School. 
    Typically, Head of School searches take about six to nine months. Since most candidates likely have contractual commitments with their current schools until June 2025, we aim to ensure that KRCS has the essential leadership for the upcoming school year. Consequently, the Board has decided to hire a one-year Interim Head of School as we search for a permanent leader.
    Interim Head of School
    The main benefit of utilizing an Interim Head of School is that it enables us to continue the excellent work and momentum of our school, supporting our growth while affording us the necessary time to conduct a comprehensive search for our future leader. Interim Heads of Schools are common and have been successfully utilized by other schools in our community.
    We aim to select an Interim Head of School by June who will be a strong Christ follower and a deeply experienced Christian school leader at schools similar to KRCS in size, scope, and mission.
    The process of selecting the Interim Head will be similar to selecting the permanent Head of School but on an accelerated basis.
    • We expect to identify two to three interim candidate finalists in May.
    • Those finalists will be invited to campus for a series of interviews with the Board and other community members.
    • We will update you on our progress as the interim selection process progresses.
    Head of School
    Concurrent with the Interim Head of School search, we are launching the search for our permanent Head of School. Our goal is to have a decision by January 2025, with the new leader starting in July 2025.
    • Candidate Profile: The essential first step in the search process will be the development of the candidate profile.
      • We are looking for an experienced leader who is a strong follower of Jesus.
      • The ideal candidate will promote academic rigor, foster a positive school culture, provide steadfast leadership for the school's future, and support all aspects of school life, including academics, arts, and athletics.
      • We are also identifying specific characteristics we seek in the next Head of School. To accomplish this, we'll host a series of listening sessions across the school community to ensure our search reflects the voice of our families, faculty, staff, and students. Look for more information on that in the weeks to come.

    • Timeline: Our objective is to identify and recruit candidates through late summer/early fall to select a pool of semifinalists and finalists. We will invite final candidates to campus for day-long interviews in the fall and expect to announce our next Head of School by the time we return from Christmas break.

    • Search Consultant: CarterBaldwin, who is also supporting our Head of High School search, will assist with this search. Their role is to structure the recruitment and candidate identification process and help us stay consistent with our timeline and search profile. However, the Board of Trustees will ultimately make the selection itself with strong input from our school community.

    • Seeking Your Prayers: We ask for your prayers for this entire process and the hearts of those involved in the search.

      • As we search for both our interim and permanent Head of School, we seek the wisdom of God, the strength of Christ, and the discernment of the Holy Spirit.
      • Your prayers are critical.

    Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." Only through His guidance will we make the right selection for King's Ridge Christian School.

    We are grateful for every member of the KRCS community, and we look forward to working with you on these important leadership decisions and celebrating the many milestones the end of this school year brings. 
    Ben Ackerman 
    Chair, Board of Trustees
    King's Ridge Christian School 
Interim Head of School Dr. Brian S. Simmons

List of 1 items.

  • May 30, 2024: KRCS Interim Head of School Announcement

    Dear King's Ridge Community,
    I am excited to introduce you to Dr. Brian Simmons as our Interim Head of School for the 2024-2025 school year. His selection resulted from many hours of prayer, building a robust candidate pool, conducting interviews, and due diligence.
    Dr. Simmons was unanimously selected by the KRCS Board of Trustees, and I am confident he is the right person for the job. Dr. Simmons' selection will allow us to move forward with our mission and maintain our standards of Christ-centered excellence as we seek a permanent Head of School for the future.
    He will begin his tenure as our Interim Head of School on June 17.
    Dr. Simmons' bio is linked here. As you will see, he is a career educator and a profoundly experienced administrator. Dr. Simmons started as a math teacher at his alma mater, Elkhart Christian Academy in Indiana, where he later served as superintendent for seven years. He led Heritage Christian School in Indianapolis, Indiana, as superintendent for ten years, leading enrollment growth from 1,180 to 1,650 students while overseeing a $17 million campus expansion.
    Dr. Simmons also served as the president of the Association of Christian Schools International, the largest Christian school association in the world. Most recently, he was a full professor and vice president of CIU Global at Columbia International University (CIU), a Christian university in South Carolina. He continues to serve as a professor at CIU in the Organizational Leadership doctoral program.
    As you get to know Dr. Simmons, you will see he has a deep and abiding heart for Jesus. He and his wife of 43 years, Bonnie, attend Lake Murray Baptist Church in Lexington, South Carolina. Previously, he served as an elder at College Park Church in Indianapolis, teaching the Be One Sunday School class with over 100 attendees.
    Please join me in welcoming Dr. Simmons to the King's Ridge Christian School family!
    Ben Ackerman
    Chair, Board of Trustees
    King's Ridge Christian School